9 Types of Content You Should Have on Your Law Firm’s Website

Like any other business, law firms need to maintain a strong online presence to attract and retain clients.

To achieve this, lawyers should create compelling and informative content that showcases their expertise and offers value to readers.

Content marketing is the key to generating a consistent stream of clients through search engine optimization (SEO). It’s how you get your business to the top of Google, in front of all the right eyeballs.

In this article, we’ll discuss the various types of content law firms should create, including blog posts, videos, podcasts, infographics, and whitepapers.

Blog posts

Blogs are an excellent way for law firms to provide valuable information to their audience, establish themselves as thought leaders, and improve their website’s SEO.

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They allow law firms to demonstrate their knowledge and expertise in their practice areas. By providing valuable, well-researched content on relevant legal topics, law firms can position themselves as authorities in their field, which can help to attract potential clients.

Blogging for lawyers also improves a law firm’s search engine optimization (SEO), making their website more likely to appear higher in search engine results pages (SERPs).

By targeting specific keywords and providing valuable content, law firms can attract more organic traffic to their site, increasing their online visibility and reaching a broader audience.

Case studies/results

Case studies play a vital role in a law firm’s website, serving as powerful tools for attracting and converting potential clients.

They showcase a law firm’s expertise and success in handling various legal cases.

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By sharing real-life examples of how they’ve helped clients, law firms can provide proof of their ability, making it more likely for potential clients to find them credible and reach out for a free consultation.

We recommend having a dedicated page on your website where you show off successful cases, including their outcomes.

Practice area guides

Practice area guides are essential to a law firm’s website, offering valuable information for potential clients and showcasing the firm’s expertise.

If you’re a criminal defense lawyer, you probably get asked many of the same questions by prospective and actual clients.

Things like, “how do I get out of a DUI?”

Practice area guides allow law firms to showcase their in-depth knowledge and expertise in specific legal areas. You can share answers to common questions and show off your expertise in your practice area, inspiring confidence and convincing website visitors to hire you.

Well-crafted practice area guides are also beneficial to SEO.

By targeting relevant keywords and providing valuable content, these guides can improve search engine rankings, ultimately attracting more organic traffic to the website.

Video content

Visual content can be a powerful way to engage with an audience and make complex information more digestible.

Videos, in particular, are especially valuable.

Studies have found that adding a video to a landing page led to an 80% increase in conversions.

Here are a few types of videos you can consider creating for your website.

Explainer videos

Short explainer videos can help break down complicated legal concepts into something more easily understandable.

They can be a great way to introduce potential clients to your firm’s services and explain various legal processes.

Consider creating video content in addition to the blogs you create to address common legal issues in your practice area. They go a long way in amplifying practice area pages and blogs.


Client testimonials are a powerful way to establish trust and credibility.

Videos of satisfied clients sharing their experiences working with you help you demonstrate your law firm’s credibility and commitment to your clients.


Podcasts are a popular medium for sharing information and engaging with audiences in a more personal way. They help humanize your firm’s lawyers, making them more approachable.

While seemingly daunting, podcasts are easy to start.

You could consider hosting a podcast that features interviews with other lawyers, exploring various practice areas. Or, you could even interview people to get their experience going through the legal system, including individuals who’ve hired you in the past.

This can help law firms showcase their connections within the industry and offer valuable insights to listeners.

Another straightforward idea is to discuss legal news and provide an analysis of current events that are relevant to your practice area.

Attorney bio pages

Attorney bio pages are a critical component of a law firm’s website, offering insights into the background and expertise of individual lawyers.

These pages help to humanize the lawyers at your firm by showing off personal photos and going over their professional and sometimes personal history as it relates to their careers.

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Potential clients often use attorney bio pages to compare and contrast different lawyers within a firm or among competing firms.

By providing detailed information about each attorney’s background and areas of expertise, bio pages enable clients to make informed decisions about which lawyer is best suited to represent them.

Attorney bio pages can also contribute to a law firm’s SEO by attracting backlinks and boosting your E-E-A-T.

Social media content

The use of social media for lawyers has become increasingly important in recent years, supporting marketing, networking, and client engagement.

Social media platforms allow lawyers to expand their reach and increase their visibility among a whole new group of people they otherwise wouldn’t be able to reach.

Lawyers can establish trust and credibility by showcasing legal tips and other types of content online.

This goes a long way in increasing conversion rates. Clients are more likely to hire a lawyer they perceive as knowledgeable, approachable, and responsive, and social media can help create this impression.

Social Media for Lawyers - Practice Area Expertise
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Another unique thing about social media versus other marketing channels is it allows lawyers to directly engage with potential clients, answering questions, addressing concerns, and offering support.

This direct line of communication can help build rapport and foster trust between the lawyer and their audience.

Additionally, social media can provide lawyers with valuable feedback on their services and content, enabling them to identify where they’re underperforming and improve.

Here are some content Ideas for lawyers on social media:

  • Share recent blog posts or articles related to your practice areas
  • Post updates on relevant legal news and developments
  • Share case studies that highlight your expertise and success stories
  • Offer practical legal tips and advice for potential clients
  • Share behind-the-scenes content that humanizes your law practice
  • Highlight client testimonials and reviews
  • Share professional milestones, accomplishments, and awards
  • Participate in industry-specific conversations and discussions
  • Share local events, news, and community involvement activities

Amplify your law firm’s website with the right content

With the right content, you can take your law firm’s website from the depths of Google’s SERPs to the top, improving conversion rates and credibility along the way.

While there are tons of different types of content you can create, we believe these nine types to be the best to get started.

And if you don’t have the bandwidth to create your own content, you can always reach out to a law firm marketing agency to handle content marketing for you.