Law Firm Website Design and Development: A How-To Guide

If your law firm doesn’t have a website — or if you do have one, but it doesn’t bring in any clients — you’re doing yourself a huge disservice.

You need a high-functioning law firm website if you’re going to compete with other firms in your area.

It’s your digital calling card —  the hub of all your law firm marketing strategy. And it’s important to get it right.

In this blog, we’re going to go over the essential components of a law firm website, plus take a deep dive into the technical aspects so you can get the ball rolling.

Why a law firm website is crucial in today’s marketing landscape

Most law firms (94%) are online, using websites to promote their services. It’s essential for any law firm looking to stay competitive.

Not only does a website provide potential clients with an easy way to learn about the firm’s services, but it also serves as a platform for attorneys to showcase their expertise and establish themselves as thought leaders in the legal industry.

A well-designed law firm website should be user-friendly, visually appealing, and organized so visitors can quickly find what they need. Aside from providing information on the firm’s practice area and location, your website should include resources such as client reviews or case studies that demonstrate the firm’s success.

An effective law firm website is also optimized for search engines. This helps you increase your visibility, so potential clients can find your website and contact you when they search for keywords related to your services.

It’s essentially the hub of all of your marketing activities. Good law firm websites are designed with your client in mind, pushing them through the sales funnel at every step.

Elements of a successful lawyer website

While not every law firm website needs to be identical, some things are non-negotiable. Let’s dive into the key elements of a successful lawyer website.


Navigation is a crucial element of any successful lawyer website. It directly affects user experience and search engine optimization (SEO).

When designing your website, remember that visitors should be able to find the information they need quickly and easily.

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Clear and intuitive navigation helps users understand your website’s structure and locate the information they seek. This is especially important for law firms, where clients want to find what they’re looking for fast. If they don’t, odds are they’ll leave your site.

Well-designed navigation can help search engines like Google crawl and index your site more efficiently. By ensuring that your site has clear and organized categories and subcategories, you can help search engines understand the content and relevance of each page.

When designing your website’s navigation, include a clear, easy-to-find and use menu. Consider organizing your pages into categories that make sense for your practice areas or services.

Include internal links throughout your content to help visitors find related information and improve your site’s SEO.

Website structure

A well-thought-out website structure is a key part of a law firm website’s navigation.

Your website’s structure should be intuitive for both users and search engines. A well-structured website helps visitors find the information they need quickly and efficiently and helps search engines understand the content and hierarchy of your pages.

Organize your pages into logical categories based on your practice areas to create an effective website structure. This can help visitors quickly identify which areas of law you specialize in and find the information they need. You can also use subcategories or drop-down menus to further organize your content.

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Don’t forget about the technical aspects of website structure, like URL structure and page hierarchy. Ensure that your URLs are descriptive and easy to read, and that your page hierarchy is clear and logical.

This can help search engines better understand the content and organization of your site, leading to better search rankings and more visibility for your law firm.

Visual design

Visual design is important for a law firm’s website as it can impact a user’s perception of your firm and influence their decision to hire you.

Here are some areas to pay attention to.

Professional photos

Photos of the attorneys, staff, and office are important to your website’s visual design. These photos can help to establish trust and credibility with potential clients, giving them a glimpse into your firm’s culture and working environment.

Including photos of your attorneys on your website can also help potential clients feel more connected to your firm and its staff.

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By putting faces to names, you can help to build a sense of rapport and trust with potential clients, making them more likely to choose your firm over competitors.

It’s also a good idea to include photos of your office and working environment. This can help to give potential clients a sense of what it might be like to work with your firm, and it can also help to establish your firm’s location and local presence.

When taking professional photos, use a high-quality camera and work with a professional photographer if possible.

You’ll want to ensure the photos are well-lit, in focus, and show off your staff and office in their best light.

Strong branding

Your law firm’s brand is an important element of your law firm’s website and your overall marketing strategy.

A strong brand can establish your firm’s identity and help you stand out. Your brand should communicate your firm’s values, personality, and unique selling proposition (USP).

What is Law Firm Branding

It can help establish trust and credibility with potential clients, showing that your firm is well-established and takes its image seriously. A cohesive and consistent brand across all your marketing materials, including your website, can also increase brand recognition and make your firm more memorable.

Your branding should be reflected in all aspects of your website design, including color scheme, font choices, and overall design style. Your logo should be prominently displayed on your website, and your firm’s name and tagline should be clearly visible as well.

When developing your brand, consider the type of clients you want to attract and the message you want to convey. Your branding should be tailored to your target audience and reflect your firm’s unique strengths and values.

Persuasive content

Creating persuasive content for your law firm’s website is crucial in convincing potential clients to choose your firm over competitors. Well-crafted content can help establish your firm’s expertise, authority, and credibility in your practice areas, making it easier for potential clients to trust and feel confident in your services.

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Remember that your website is often the first point of contact for potential clients, so your content should be informative, engaging, and easy to read. It’s important to make a good impression.

By providing helpful and relevant information, you can demonstrate your firm’s understanding of the legal issues that potential clients may be facing and position your firm as a reliable source of information.

Content is arguably the most important part of your law firm’s SEO. Including targeted keywords and phrases in your content makes it easier for search engines like Google to find and index your website. This can help to improve your website’s visibility in search results, making it more likely that potential clients will find and visit your site.

Attorney bios

Attorney bio pages are essential to a law firm’s website, providing potential clients an opportunity to learn about the attorneys working there. These pages help establish trust and credibility with potential clients, allowing them to learn about an attorney’s education, experience, and areas of expertise.

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Attorney bio pages can also help to personalize the firm and make it more approachable. Including information about an attorney’s hobbies, interests, and community involvement can help create a connection with potential clients and make the firm seem more relatable.

When creating attorney bio pages, making them visually appealing and easy to navigate is essential. Including professional headshots, education and professional experience, areas of expertise, and personal interests can help create a well-rounded and informative bio page.

Prominent contact information

Having prominent contact information on a law firm’s website is crucial for turning website visitors into potential clients. Make it as easy as possible for potential clients to contact your firm, or they may move on to another law firm’s website with easy-to-find contact information.

Include a separate contact page on the website. This page should include a form that visitors can fill out to contact the firm and the firm’s address, phone number, and email address.

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In addition to a separate contact page, put your law firm’s contact information in your website’s footer. That way, it’s easy to find, no matter what page users are on. And put your firm’s phone number in the website header, making it even easier for visitors to find and contact the firm.

The key is to make it as easy as possible for website visitors to contact you. As a result, your firm may lose out on potential clients and revenue.


A blog is an essential element of any law firm’s website. It can help to establish your firm as an authority and thought leader in your practice area, attract new clients, and improve your website’s SEO.

Here are a few reasons why having a blog is so important:

SEO: A legal blog is a great way to improve your website’s SEO and attract more traffic. Regularly publishing high-quality, informative content on topics related to your practice areas can increase the chances of your website ranking higher in SERPs (Search Engine Result Pages).

Bringing in traffic: A blog can also help to bring more traffic to your website. When people search for legal topics you’ve covered, your blog posts will show up and drive qualified traffic to your website.

Establishing yourself as an authority and thought leader: By regularly publishing blog posts on topics related to your practice areas, you can establish yourself as an authority and thought leader. This can help to build trust with potential clients and make them more likely to choose your firm for their legal needs.

E-E-A-T: E-E-A-T stands for Experience, Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness, and it’s a crucial factor in Google’s search algorithm. By publishing high-quality, informative blog posts on topics related to your practice areas, you can improve your website’s E-E-A-T score and your chances of ranking higher.

FAQ page

Having a frequently asked questions (FAQ) page on your law firm’s website is an effective way to improve your website’s SEO, bring in traffic, and establish yourself as an authority and thought leader in your field.

A well-crafted FAQ page can help answer common questions that potential clients may have, helping build trust and credibility with your audience. By addressing frequently asked questions, potential clients can understand your areas of expertise and the services you offer.

This helps you convert website visitors, as they’ll be more inclined to believe in your ability to represent them.

Thought-out sales funnel

Having a thought-out sales funnel is essential for a law firm’s website.

A well-designed sales funnel can help you convert more visitors into leads and then into paying clients.

law firm marketing funnel

The sales funnel starts with attracting visitors to your website, typically through digital marketing efforts such as SEO for lawyers, pay-per-click (PPC) advertising, or social media marketing. Once visitors arrive on your site, you bombard them with relevant and helpful content, such as blog posts, videos, or guides.

This type of content is designed to convince capture visitor’s information through a lead generation form, which could involve offering a free consultation or a downloadable resource in exchange for their contact information.

Once you have their information, you can nurture them with targeted emails to build trust and encourage them to take the next step.

The final step of the sales funnel is to convert them into paying clients. This may involve a consultation, proposal, or another process tailored to your specific practice area or services.

Search engine optimized (SEO)

Your law firm’s website might as well not exist if it’s not search engine optimized (SEO).

The goal is to optimize your website to appear on SERPs above your competitors. A lot goes into it, including keyword research, content creation, onsite optimization, and link building.


In the past, if you wanted to look up a local business or service, you might have turned to the Yellow Pages. But nowadays, most people rely on search engines to find what they’re looking for.

In fact, 96% of those seeking legal advice start their search on Google.

Your website is the foundation for all digital marketing initiatives, from SEO and PPC to email marketing and social media.

By putting in the effort to create a strong website, you can convert more visitors into clients and grow your practice.


There’s no excuse for not having an accessible website in 2023. It’s not only ethical, but also legally required under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).

Having an accessible website means designing it to accommodate different user needs. Some ways to do this include providing alternative text for images, captions for videos, and allowing for keyboard navigation.

These design elements make it possible for users with visual, hearing, or physical impairments to access and navigate your site with ease.

But that’s not all accessibility can help you with.

An accessible website can improve your site’s SEO, as search engines like Google prioritize sites that are accessible to all users.

Case results and testimonials

Case results and testimonials are powerful tools for a law firm’s website. They show off your firm’s success and can help to establish credibility with potential clients.

According to a study by BrightLocal, 87% of consumers read online reviews for local businesses, and 72% of those consumers will take action only after reading a positive review.

Positive testimonials on your website can significantly impact your ability to sign new clients.

Similarly, showcasing case results can demonstrate your firm’s expertise and experience handling complex legal matters. When potential clients see that your firm has successfully handled cases similar to their own, they are more likely to trust your abilities and choose your firm for representation.

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You can take it further by requesting past clients leave you video testimonials. These are powerful lead generators and are much more effective than text.


As of 2022, mobile devices accounted for roughly 60% of all internet traffic worldwide. This means that if your law firm’s website is not mobile-friendly, you could miss out on many potential clients.

Having a mobile-first website can also improve your search engine rankings. Google and other search engines prioritize mobile-friendly websites in their search results.

Aside from that, a mobile-first website naturally provides a better user experience on smaller screens. Visitors will stay on your website longer the easier it is to navigate and use.

Technical SEO

Technical SEO involves optimizing a website’s technical elements to improve its ranking and performance in SERPs. It involves addressing issues related to website architecture, code optimization, and other technical aspects affecting a website’s load speed, user experience, and search engine crawlability.

One critical aspect of technical SEO is load speed. Google has confirmed that page speed is a significant ranking factor, meaning that the faster your website loads, the more likely it is to rank in search results.

Core Web Vitals are also an essential part of technical SEO. They measure website performance based on factors like load speed, interactivity, and visual stability, which are critical to ensuring a positive user experience.

Other technical SEO elements that are important for law firms include ensuring proper website architecture, fixing broken links, and optimizing images.

Trust indicators

Trust indicators like badges, awards, and associations are important elements of a law firm’s website as they help to establish trust with potential clients.

Trust indicators can help to communicate a law firm’s credibility and expertise in its field. For example, including badges from recognized legal organizations or industry-specific awards can demonstrate a law firm’s level of achievement and recognition.

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Association logos can also be used to indicate the law firm’s affiliations with reputable organizations, further establishing their authority in their respective fields. This can include state bar associations, legal advocacy groups, and more.

Why we recommend WordPress for law firm websites

We use WordPress for all of our clients and recommend you use it for your law firm’s website, too.

1.) It’s off-the-shelf but highly customizable

With WordPress, you get the best of both worlds.

Its large collection of themes makes it an “off-the-shelf” solution that helps you get a website up and running quickly, easily, and affordably. And its collection of plugins makes it highly customizable.

A whole industry has sprung up around WordPress themes.

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The key is hiring a web developer who can build your website, code it, configure it, install it, and provide ongoing management as required.

Your website should never be a ‘set and forget’ deal, and while WordPress is simple enough that you can do some of the ongoing work yourself (see the next point), you’ll probably need some help.

As a busy lawyer, how much time will you have for marketing and website management?

2.) More control and easy to update

In the past, whenever you needed to make a change on your website, you had to contact your web developer.

Or you at least needed to understand HTML and CSS.

WordPress makes editing your website easy with its content management system (CMS). You can update your site, keep information accurate and current, publish new content, and correct any errors you notice without any coding skills.

You can enter changes in the rich text visual editor rather than using an HTML editor to code changes. This makes it as easy as writing an email.

Though you’ll still need the services of a professional web developer, you can do much more on your own with a WordPress website.

3.) Inherently mobile-friendly

As of the first quarter of 2022, almost 91 percent reported accessing the internet with their smartphones. By comparison, laptop or desktop internet access was reported by around 67 percent of respondents.

Every year, smartphone users worldwide are increasing.

This is why you need your law firm’s website to be mobile-friendly.

Fortunately, WordPress makes this easy with its predominantly mobile-friendly themes. Your site will appear clear and readable on all mobile devices, call-to-action buttons will be easy to activate, and forms will be easy to fill in.

That’s one less thing to worry about when designing your website.

4.) It’s constantly improving

With WordPress being the most popular website platform in the world, it also means plenty of people are focused on updating and improving the product.

There have been 45 major versions of WordPress released since it was first released in 2003.

That’s over two major versions released per year. While many older versions are still supported, website owners often choose to run the latest version.

Millions of people worldwide aid in developing WordPress because it’s open source. Meaning it’ll always be up-to-date with new features and advancements.

Plus, new and existing plug-ins are always being created and updated, adding even more functionality to the platform.

By using WordPress, you can be sure that you have the latest website innovations at your disposal.

5.) Excellent security

Security is a major concern for law firm websites. Visitors want to know that their privacy is assured and their data is private.

Because of its frequent release of new versions, WordPress is one step ahead of hackers. Any potential security breaches are quickly identified and patched in software updates, which can be set to install automatically.

WordPress incorporates many plugins to enhance its features. As a law firm, you may want to utilize plugins that can help you beef up the security on your site so that users feel more at ease.

Plugins to increase the security on your site include those that:

  • Limit incorrect login attempts
  • Hide a login URL
  • Create two-factor authentication for admin
  • Track your WordPress dashboard activity
  • Add SSL to your site

You can also maintain security by creating strong admin passwords — at least eight characters long and combining letters, numerals, and symbols — and keeping all themes and plugins current.

6.) Easy to improve the user experience

Speaking of plugins… they can do more than beef up your security.

Virtually every aspect of a law firm website can be customized using the vast array of plugins available.

WordPress provides access to 60,000+ free plugins.

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Using these plugins, you can make your website much more interactive, functional, and striking — enhancing the user experience and making it more likely to turn visitors into leads.

You can also add plugins for the ‘back end’ to make maintaining your site easier — such as spam filters to manage unwanted messages.

7.) The search engines love it

The advanced SEO tools WordPress provides don’t guarantee that your website will rank well on Google — but they make it easier.

In fact, Google love WordPress-based websites. Its crawlers can easily find what they ‘need’ there because of the high-quality coding, logical site architecture, sitemap features, and easily indexable pages.

Optimizing your pages to load quickly is also easy — another SEO ranking factor.

And if they’re still slower than you would like, you can use a plug-in to speed them up.

WordPress SEO plugins can also help to simplify the technical side of SEO: for instance, with titles and descriptions, readability of on-page text, image optimization, and optimal keyword usage.

WordPress may not entirely negate the need for a professional SEO, but it means that you can do more on your own.

8.) Easy to add content

You should know the importance of creating regular, high-quality content for your law firm’s website.

It’s critical if you want to rank for more keywords and improve your overall SEO.

WordPress makes it easy to add content, including FAQ pages, articles, and videos.

Plus, adding a blog onto your WordPress website (regardless of theme) is easy and comes with several features. These include the ability to schedule posts, add categories, and add tags to keep things organized.

9.) It’s highly scalable

Is your law firm growing? WordPress can grow with you.

As mentioned, some of the largest sites use WordPress, but it’s just as effective for smaller websites. WordPress is highly scalable, supporting a few pages to hundreds of pages without affecting performance.

A solo attorney can create a vast site full of interesting content, which is more effective than a large law firm with a simple ‘calling card’ website that offers little interactivity.

10.) A supportive community

If you’re having a technical problem with your site while using WordPress, chances are that someone out there will have dealt with the same problem, making it easy to find solutions.

Because it’s open source, you’ll always be able to find a solution to your problem through a quick search.

Essential WordPress plug-ins/integrations

As mentioned, WordPress excels due to the thousands of plug-ins and integrations available.

Here are a few we recommend for every law firm’s website.

SEO plug-in: Yoast

Without a focus on SEO, you may as well not have a website for your law firm at all.

WordPress makes SEO easy with plug-ins like Yoast, which provide the tools and tips necessary to optimize your website.

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While you’ll still benefit from hiring a professional law firm marketing agency, Yoast allows you to easily make SEO optimizations, saving you money you’d otherwise spend hiring contractors to fix small problems, like changing meta descriptions and page titles.

Plus, Yoast offers tons of guides and tutorials on search engine optimization if you ever want to take your knowledge to the next level.

Form submissions: Gravity Forms

Another essential part of any law firm’s website is the ability to capture leads via form submissions.

Gravity Forms makes that easy with fully customizable forms that connect with your email marketing platform and content management system.

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Aside from capturing leads, Gravity Forms can also collect payments, automate marketing workflows, and keep your data secure.

And it’s only available on WordPress.

Call tracking: CallRail

All modern law firms should consider investing in call-tracking technology (we recommend CallRail).

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While not a WordPress-exclusive software, CallRail does work excellently with WordPress websites.

You can use this tool to get data about inbound calls that originate on your website. With this data, savvy attorneys can identify the ads and campaigns driving the most calls to maximize their return on investment.

Reviews: Google Review Widget

Utilizing a Google Review widget on your law firm’s WordPress website is a great way to capture valuable customer feedback.

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Keeping track of reviews is important for law firms that want to keep up with the competition and maintain a positive online presence. It allows you to accumulate honest opinions about your services and builds trust.

And displaying these reviews on your website goes a long way toward improving your conversion rates.

Live chat: ApexChat

A live chat app like ApexChat lets law firms provide 24/7 customer service to website visitors.

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Live chat allows for real-time responsiveness during business hours while also letting visitors leave messages while you’re offline. This helps in cases where clients need help with an issue quickly and even improves conversion rates.

It’s also a powerful tool for collecting customer emails, letting you insert them into a marketing funnel and potentially converting leads down the line.

Plus, younger demographics are becoming more hesitant to make phone calls and increasingly rely on live chat and other online methods for communication.

WP security plugin: WPFence

Keeping your website safe from threats is important.

Especially for law firms, where security and confidentiality are crucial.

WordPress users have an edge with WPFence, a reliable plugin explicitly designed to improve online security. WPFence gives WordPress users peace of mind when defending against cyber attacks.

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It also provides effective password protection and user-oriented features such as two-factor authentication and session management. So, if you’re looking for an effective way to protect your website from malicious behavior without sacrificing performance, WPFence is a necessity.

Website builder: Avada

Avada is a popular WordPress theme builder that makes creating professional-looking websites and blogs easy.

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It offers an intuitive drag-and-drop interface, over 100 pre-built starter sites to choose from, plus tons of customization options.

ADA compliance in law firm websites: What you need to know

ADA compliance has become increasingly important for anyone with a website.

For a website to be ADA-compliant, it must meet certain standards regarding accessibility, navigation, and content availability. The site must contain accessible elements like alt text descriptions for images, proper headings and labels, HTML tags used appropriately, and appropriate use of color contrast.

All interactive features should be easily operable by keyboard-only methods or voice commands. Users should not experience barriers while navigating through the website due to its design or coding structure.

We recommend using Accessibee, a web accessibility solution that streamlines the process of creating a fully accessible website. It pinpoints exactly what you need to do and how to do it, taking the guesswork out of accessibility.

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Choosing a domain name for your attorney website

If you already have an online presence, you probably have your domain name(s) registered, email addresses set up, and a hosting platform sorted, so you can skip this section.

If you’re a new law firm, you may not have registered a domain name. This is a unique online address, such as, that you’ll use to identify your business online.

You need a domain name before you can set up a professional-looking website, which will form the basis of your email addresses. The domain name will generally cost around $15 per year (this depends on the domain name itself and the extension.)

So, how do you choose your domain name?

Remember that your domain name will be used on all your business correspondence online and offline, so take time to consider your options.

As a general rule, use the name of your business. It could be challenging for law firms because they often have long business names.

For example:

  • Blake, Cassels & Graydon LLP did not choose They chose
  • Osler, Hoskin & Harcourt LLP did not choose They chose

More goes into the selection process than simply repeating the business name and adding ‘.com’ on the end.

Essentially, you should select a domain name that is:

  • Memorable — this generally means short and punchy
  • Brandable — remember that it will be used in all marketing


It’s usually best to choose a .com or .net extension after the name, as they’re the most memorable for people. A .ca extension will identify your firm instantly as Canadian.

You need to use an official domain name registrar to register a domain name.

The most popular ones are:

  • Bluehost
  • GoDaddy
  • Namecheap
  • 1 and 1

These companies register your domain name and can host it, provide email addresses, and host your website affordably.

What is a website host?

The other essential component you’ll need before you can set up a website is a hosting service.

Your web host provides space on their server for your website and usually includes features like email accounts, databases, and other tools you can use to build and maintain your website.

Some hosts include services such as domain registrations and SSL certificates, which are essential for the security of your website.

Generally speaking, there are three main types of web hosting;

  • Shared hosting
  • Dedicated hosting
  • Cloud hosting

Each type has its own advantages and disadvantages, depending on what kind of website you’re looking to create.

The cheapest services may not be able to offer you the reliability or speed that you’re after. These are both important factors that will affect the user experience. Consider paying $10-20 per month for a premium service rather than the $5 a month deal you might be tempted by.

Definitely avoid free web hosting, as there will likely be space and bandwidth limitations. This generally means slow load times, and you may need to run ads on your site – all of which scream unprofessional,

So, the bottom line is: pay a few dollars more per month and get a quality service.

Our recommendation: WPEngine

WPEngine is a WordPress hosting platform that provides a secure and reliable environment for your WordPress site. It offers managed hosting services optimized specifically for running WordPress websites.

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WPEngine takes care of all the technical aspects so you can focus on creating content, managing performance, and protecting your website from hackers or other malicious attacks.

Unlike most web hosts, WPEngine allows you to host multiple sites on one account without any additional costs. This makes it an ideal choice for businesses that need to manage multiple sites at once.

It also features proprietary security measures like automated malware scans, daily backups, and sophisticated firewalls to protect your data.

At JurisPage, we use WPEngine for all of our clients and highly recommend it.

Choosing the right content management system (CMS)

Now that you’ve figured out your domain name and hosting, it’s time to start building your website.

Most professional business websites still use web designers, but it’s now possible for anyone with a little technical ability to build one.

Content Management Systems (CMS) like WordPress, Joomla, and Drupal are available web design platforms that require little to no coding knowledge. The ease of use of these systems allows businesses to manage their own content, though many still enlist professional help.

What are your platform choices?

Technically, there are many to choose from. But these three are the big players:

  • WordPress – which accounts for around 65.2% of the internet
  • Drupal – which accounts for around 2.0% of the internet
  • Joomla – which accounts for around 2.6% of the internet

WordPress is the go-to platform for most businesses predominantly because it is:

  • Very simple to use – even for beginners. It’s no more difficult than using a word processor like Word.
  • Highly customizable – many different themes and plug-ins are available, as discussed.

Outsourcing your law firm’s website design and development

It can be tempting to try and DIY your website design to cut costs. And while some particularly dedicated lawyers may be able to learn the necessary skills, it’s definitely a challenge.

We find that most lawyers prefer to outsource this task to a professional so they can focus on their practice.

Hiring experienced web designers and developers to create a WordPress website for your law firm is an efficient way to ensure that your content looks polished and professional without having to go through the hassle of creating it yourself.

And a lot goes into a website aside from just the design.

If you want prospective clients to find your website, it has to be visible on Google. And professional web designers and digital marketing services for law firms know how to get websites ranking highly on Google with search engine optimization (SEO).

Optimizing your marketing with a CRM like Clio Manage

A Customer Relationship Management tool, or CRM, is a powerful piece of software for law firms and their clients.

A CRM provides an effective workflow process to help manage document filing, calendar alerts, tracking client communications, and more. Law firms benefit from investing in a CRM because it allows them to streamline daily tasks, such as organizing files, while building meaningful relationships with their clients.

On top of increasing operational efficiency, using a CRM can capture important data that can be used to serve the needs of existing clients better and even target new prospects efficiently. All of these features make a CRM an essential tool for any law firm.

And we recommend Clio Manage.

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It’s a CRM that helps you manage your leads at all stages, from initial inquiry to consultation all the way through to offboarding after you’ve won their case.

Alongside Clio Manage, you get Clio Grow, a lead management solution that allows you to organize and nurture potential and existing clients.

It’s used to streamline the process of converting a lead into a paying client by providing tools that improve the client experience. For example, Clio Grow makes it easy to schedule consultations and simplifies your intake process with online forms and documents, all in the cloud.

But its key selling point is its ability to manage all of your signed clients (and missed opportunities). You can pinpoint where they originated and even where they dropped out of the marketing funnel, helping you identify what marketing methods are performing.

Check out our full Clio Grow review.

Master your law firm’s online presence with an impressive law firm website

Your law firm’s website is the hub of your law firm’s digital marketing.

A website built on a solid foundation that utilizes SEO best practices will always outperform its competitors. And now you know everything you need to do to ensure your website stays on top.

Because of how easy WordPress is to use, you could put together a website all on your own. But it would take hours upon hours to get it done and done right, especially when you account for SEO and content.

We recommend outsourcing your law firm website’s design and SEO. Not only will it allow you to invest your time into your practice, but there’s also a guaranteed return on investment when you hire an agency like JurisPage.

Want a consistent stream of new leads?

Our Elevate SEO package includes a custom website design, hosting, and SEO campaign to help your law firm place higher in Google’s search results.

Learn More